Hi, I’m Hanna Lauvdal

Personal Trainer & Engineer

Physical activity for work and
school stress


I was once a student, spending 16 hours every day studying engineering on top of working. It’s a situation many of us struggle with, tipping the scale towards work and school and away from your health.


Someone helped me during this time by pushing me to be physically active. I trained consistently 5 or 6 days per week for just a short amount of time. The positive physical and mental impact of being physically active is what allowed me to succeed in graduation and gaining work as a mechanical engineer.

 I know you can do it, too. I will be there to push you further towards your goals, keeping you positive and active along the way

Managing Weight with
Physical Activity


Many of us work long hours and allow our nutritional intake to suffer. I gained 15 kg in less than two months from working too long, not taking breaks, and eating only fast food.


Losing weight doesn’t come easy, especially losing it in a healthy way. Changes to your diet, physical activity, and overall lifestyle are necessary yet difficult. With every training plan, I provide a balanced diet and nutrition guide to help you reach your health goals.

Physical Activity Raises


Toxic or unhealthy relationships are detrimental to your mental health. I, too, have been gaslighted, laughed at, dumped, and hurt emotionally. It affected my self-esteem,
which in turn affected my physical health.


Regular physical activity increased my self-esteem and self-worth. It allows me to look at myself positively, clearing my thoughts about harmful comments and actions towards me.

You can gain power over yourself, taking control away from those that seek to harm you.

Post-Pregnancy Physical


During and after giving birth to two children, I gained wait, fell out of shape, and struggled with tolerance in raising such energetic children. There is a struggle for women during pregnancy and after birth that many people do not understand, and therefore do not know how to help overcome.


Patience easily wears thin, especially when raising multiple children. Physical activity not only helps get you back into pre-pregnancy shape, it also helps clear your mind. That clarity is necessary to recharge your patience that children require.

You’ll look good, feel good, and be happier while performing your duties as a new mother.

Balancing Office Work and
Physical Activity



Sitting at a desk all day leads to lethargy and a lack of motivation to reach health and fitness goals. I worked in a corporate position for 13 years, so I understand the difficulty. Working such long hours, it’s difficult to find the time before, during, or after work to get away from that desk and go to a gym or for a run.


Location is a factor when it comes to balancing physical activity with a corporate job. Consider cycling to or from work instead of driving, or using 30 minutes during your lunch break to run or do pushups.

As a personal trainer, part of my job is to provide motivation and scheduling to keep you on track. Therefore, I’m providing training packages for businesses, so employees have a dedicated time they can use to look forward to getting active and healthy. This improves individual esteem and worth as well as productivity.

Being Laid Off or Fired


It’s unfortunate when this happens, but it does happen often I was also laid off due to COVID-19, as I suspect many of you have been too. It’s eye-opening to see how little a company values you and the efforts you make in prioritizing work over health and family.


Being laid off or fired is so harmful to your self-esteem and self-worth. It removes all motivation to live a normal, happy life because you feel infinitesimally small.

I’m here to help you overcome this. At this time, so many people have lost their jobs that an air of depression is sweeping over us. Work with me to get physically active, raise your self-esteem, and get the motivation to find a new job or start a new career. You can do it.